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"Hello! Afro Chills"



Afrochella is an annual cultural festival held in Accra, Ghana, that celebrates the beauty of African music, fashion, food, and art. The festival, which was first organized in 2017, aims to promote African culture and heritage to the world. It features a lineup of African music performers, fashion shows, cultural exhibitions, and art installations, as well as food and drinks from various African countries. Afrochella attracts a diverse audience of Africans and non-Africans from around the world. One of the unique aspects of Afrochella is its emphasis on showcasing emerging African talent. The festival provides a platform for young African musicians, fashion designers, and artists to showcase their work to a wider audience. In addition, Afrochella promotes the use of sustainable and eco-friendly materials in fashion and art, and encourages attendees to recycle and reduce waste.

Please contact us per Email for any further questions
about AC National Entertaiment!


mask drum music drum

Afrochella National
Entertaiment Logo 2023

The Afrochella logo was designed by a team of graphic designers and artists who drew inspiration
from traditional African art and culture. The team worked closely with the founders of Afrochella to create a logo
that reflected the festival's mission of celebrating and promoting African culture and creativity.

23 -27th Dec 2023 | Accra, Ghana

See the past AC National Event

Take a look at the past CC Global Summits which took place
in Accra, and in Lagos

past-event past-event


